Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Time 2011

ok.... this is bad! While it may look like I am AWESOME at keeping up with my posts because it is the day after Thanksgiving and one of my latest post is of Thanksgiving.... well that assumption would be wrong... Because this is of LAST Thanksgiving! Oh man, someday I hope I will get better at this. Maybe that will be my New Year's goal for 2012. Hmmm..... it's a good thought! Well anyway, Thanksgiving was yesterday and it was a fun day! It was a little quieter than I would prefer with half of us missing which made me super sad. The only thing that made it half way bearable was knowing that in one month we will all be together!!! YAY!! I can hardly wait! So anyway, thanks mom for all the super yummy food. There is just nothing like the Thanksgiving assortment. You are the bestest!!

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