Friday, November 25, 2011

Bragging time!

They all crash sooner or later!

I really need to write down all of the super cute things Kilee does! So at 21 months old, Kilee is just the cutest little girl EVER! She is so much fun and silly and funny and just so full of energy and life! She eats up any attention you will send her way and the more you laugh at something silly she does... the more she will ham it up!! She talks in this raspy voice sometimes that just makes everything sound so funny! She has all these faces she does that are just hilarious too. She says things like, "Oh yeah baby!" and "Oh cool!" or "WOW". When she falls down, even if she is just fine she will do this fake little whine until you ask her, "Are you ok?"... at which point she will always respond with "yeah" and then be on her way. She gets beyond excited when you tell her Mickey Mouse is coming on and will sing the whole opening song, including spelling M-I-C-K-E-Y...M-O-U-S-E! It is the cutest thing! She also recites many of the other parts through out the show and finishes up with the hot dog dance! She will ask please all day long for some candy, and when I finally give in once or twice to a little piece, I can not even explain the level of excitement! When looking for a toy, she will say, "Where'd it go?.... Oh, I see it..... there it is!" and when trying to figure something out or decide what to do it's, "HMMM.... let's see". Which goes with patting her mouth while she is thinking. Other than being so much fun to be around and play with, Kilee is really surprising me with how smart she is getting all the time! She can say the sounds for at least half of the alphabet letters and the names of maybe a handful. She is getting the alphabet song down pretty good too. She can count to 10 by herself and sometimes to 13 if you can really get her to focus. I must add though that she will neglect the number 1 every time so you have to start her out. Oh, and everything these days is the color yellow and probably a heart shape but sometimes an oval. She will sing along to Wheels on the Bus and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and a couple others that she has learned in Nursery. Ring-around-the Rosies is always a favorite to cheer her up or asking her if she wants to color. She plays really well for her age but when you sit and play with her.... oh man!!!! she is so much fun!! Lego blocks are probably her favorite right now but she will have fun with pretty much anything! Seriously!! Even empty lotion bottles or tupperware can keep her entertained for quite some time. Kilee loves to put everyones shoes on and will go get her own shoes too and bring them to you and say 'shoe' to ask for help getting them on. Oh and one more thing that I don't know if i should even admit to is that she can work the ipad better than I can I think. Yikes! Anyway, all in all she is just an amazing, sweet, fun, smart and a super good little cutie pie! I love her so stinkin much I just have to squeeze her all the time cause I can't even get enough of her! How lucky I am to be her Mom!

Turkey Time 2011

ok.... this is bad! While it may look like I am AWESOME at keeping up with my posts because it is the day after Thanksgiving and one of my latest post is of Thanksgiving.... well that assumption would be wrong... Because this is of LAST Thanksgiving! Oh man, someday I hope I will get better at this. Maybe that will be my New Year's goal for 2012. Hmmm..... it's a good thought! Well anyway, Thanksgiving was yesterday and it was a fun day! It was a little quieter than I would prefer with half of us missing which made me super sad. The only thing that made it half way bearable was knowing that in one month we will all be together!!! YAY!! I can hardly wait! So anyway, thanks mom for all the super yummy food. There is just nothing like the Thanksgiving assortment. You are the bestest!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Next comes Christmas.... and then New Years!!

This year we had to go to Arizona to get a white Christmas!! haha.... sounds like a funny joke I know! But seriously it snowed while we were in Mesa, AZ for Christmas this past year! Our stay ended up being much longer than planned due to our car trying to go for a swim...  no more Mazda :( But we made it back to Colorado a week late, one car less, lots more toys and of course tons of fun memories!!!!

Only in AZ would the weather be perfect for a hike in December.
Kilee was super worn out from ALL that.... sitting! haha! What a nice Uncle Cory!

Travis opened his mission call!  Good Luck in Asuncion, Paraguay Elder Meryhew!! 

The Meryhew grandkids 

The girls! 

I realize this was almost a year ago now but for journaling purposes...

The one time all year that my whole side of the family is usually together is for Thanksgiving. So naturally we all look so forward to this all year long! Well unfortunately this year, there was a little damper on the week... ok a BIG one!!! All 21 of us got sick with the stomach flu during the one week we were together! :( It was no fun at all! We managed to sneak in a little bit of fun still and of course Mom's family pictures! Here are just a few of the whole fam and our little Meryhew gang.