Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BIG news but.... NO camera!

Ok, so first for the BIG news! Ryan and I are gonna have our first little one to join our family here for everyone to see in February! 9 months seems like such a LONG time but when you think of all the preperation (mentally and physically) phew that is not so much time! And 3 months have already come and past! Despite all that logical, reality, boring stuff though... we are SO excited! I feel so unbelievably blessed and can't wait to hold our new baby in my arms! I know soon after I will be taking all the help anyone has to offer and most likely not so enthusiastic about motherhood but at the end of the day I would have to say the good moments have to far out weigh the not so pleasant! So far Ryan wants it to be a boy, I would be the happiest new mommy with either... but definitely NOT both (NO twins for me!) and everyone else keeps telling us it is gonna be a girl! So basically we got nothin! :) I guess we will have to just wait a couple more months to see! We'll keep ya updated! Oh, and we will get pictures on here too as soon as we can!
That leads us to the No camera business! Ok so we actually do have a camera that is on loan to us for the time being but we unfortunately don't have the cord to download our pictures on the computer! Such a bummer! So until we can get all that figured out, these posts may be a little boring! I mean we have gone through 3 months of pregnancy, both of our birthdays, and a whole summer in super exciting Cleveland, Ohio! So much fun I tell you! Ok so the last one is not so much exciting but regardless lots of memories have come out of our summer in the Apex summer sales world! ha ha! So for now, that's all I got but I promise to make them more exciting to look at very soon! Just 2 weeks and we will be leaving this town and on to COLORADO!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh the good old days of dating!

Mine and Ryan's dating days were oh so long ago and what a long process too! ha ha! ok so neither are true... we barely even had enough dates to get any pictures in there before we quickly moved to engaged status and soon after 'The Newly Weds'! But we have already been married for 10 whole months! It has gone so fast yet it really seems like we have been sharing our crazy life together much much longer! Wierd how love can alter your memory so that you can barely remember how things were before the love of your life came into play!